“Entah mengapa, mendadak dia merasa bahwa berkenalan dengan si pemilik nama itu sepertinya akan menyenangkan.”

“She was so stupid. He was just another cowboy looking for someone to shine his buckle, and she’d fallen for it. What a fool. But, she wasn’t a fool anymore. She knew who and what she was, and that man was not coming back into her life. No matter how sexy he still was.”

“The house was the color of baby vomit.”

“An artist, if you’d really like to know who’s fucking your wife.”

“Who loves you, Warren Valentine?” She did. I want Lilla to know that kind of love. The kind of love that never leaves or abandons.”

“Those who find themselves in the “You are going to miss my loving” section Without LOVE are the ones who abused their relationship by not appreciating the person who was giving them the love they no longer have.”

“I want to have an affair.”

“The course of true love never did run smooth said by lysander”

“I’d lick you numb, Mariah. You have no idea the things I’m capable of.”

“My head is in a world of hurt. My apartment is trashed. At the end of today, I could either be dating the girl who saves my family’s future or is going to be the ending of it. When did life get so damn complicated?”

“I think you better hurry along with that French toast making, Stud. You know—before my fetus eats your face.”“It would be equally as delicious.”

“Bagaimana bisa kau tidak menyukai hujan?Padahal hujan selalu mendekatkan kita.Oh, aku lupa. Kau mungkin tidak menganggapku sepenting itu.Aku bukan pemeran utama dalam lakon hidupmu.Aku hanya figuran yang hanya sesekali dibutuhkan.”

“Why are you dim when your face is so fucking pretty? When your eyes are bright enough to light up my whole damn world. Why?”

“… I suppose that it is not so easy to go home and it takes a bit of time to make a son out of a stranger.”

“With an evil, tempting wink that threatened to undo him, she added, “I’m the one you have to watch out for.”