“But something about Clint tossed off sparks that set her nerves on fire.”

“Gretchen,” Clint said, his voice full of the same luscious agony Gretchen felt building inside of her. “I’m going to kiss you.” He was giving her one last chance to back out, to push him away. That was not going to happen.Her mouth twisted with amusement. “Not if I kiss you first.”

“Why are you dim when your face is so fucking pretty? When your eyes are bright enough to light up my whole damn world. Why?”

“… I suppose that it is not so easy to go home and it takes a bit of time to make a son out of a stranger.”

“With an evil, tempting wink that threatened to undo him, she added, “I’m the one you have to watch out for.”

“If a princess in the days of enchantment had seen a four-footed creature from among those which live in herds come to her once and again with a human gaze which rested upon her with choice and beseeching, what would she think of in her journeying, what would she look for when the herds passed her? Surely for the gaze which had found her, and which she would know again.”

“I’m sorry, I really did want to talk to you.” His free hand went to her face and cupped her cheek. Something tightened pleasantly in her belly. “Just talk?” she breathed.He nodded, but used their clasped hands to pull her closer to him. She raised her head and met his eyes, a storm of blue and green. She smirked. “That’s a shame.”

“Romance only comes into existence where love is fatal, frowned upon and doomed by life itself.”

“He was so much more than she had expected. More than a delicious body and a smile that came out of nowhere to light up the darkness of this hopeless place.”

“I am an acquired taste.”

“Not all vampires are created equal.”

“So that’s it? You’re just going to rescue me and go?”

“Several times we had been very close to “it,” but “it” just never quite happened. She always drew back, and I never pressed her. God help me, I was being gallant. I have wondered often since what would have changed (for good or for ill) had I not been. What I know now is that gallant young men rarely get pussy. Put it on a sampler and hang it in your kitchen.”

“Thank god he’s holding me because if he weren’t, I’d float away.”

“What Hans had intended to end at a simple kiss quickly escalated into something neither one of them seemed able to stop.”