All Quotes By Tag: Romance
“There are certain kinds of silence that make you walk on air.”
“Then I stay beside you for as long as we have.” He kept stroking my hair. Cats like to be petted. Cait Sidhe like to pet. “October, I meant it when I told you I was not leaving you. I will never leave you while both of us are living. You were not quite this human when I met you, and you were far less human when I finally allowed myself to love you. But the essential core of your being has remained the same no matter what the balance of your blood.””How is it that you always know the exact right stupid romance novel thing to say?” I asked, leaning up to kiss him.He smiled against my lips. When I pulled back, he said. “I was a student of Shakespeare before the romance novel was even dreamt. Be glad I do not leave you horrible poetry on your pillow, wrapped securely around the bodies of dead rats.”
“I got a head start and ws already hanging upside down when he caught up. All the blood was rushing to my head, making me feel dizzy. “I can’t stay like this much longer,” I told him.”Head rush.”He leaned down and stuck his face next to mine, gifting me with a beautiful smile.”I know the feeling,” he said. “You give me a head rush all the time.”
“My hope, my heaven, my trust must be,My gentle guide, in following thee.”
“You keep showing up here? Being who you are?’ There was a pause. ‘I’m going to fall in love with you.’ -Rehvenge”
“From midnight to 4: 00 AM is the loneliest time in the world. Because for those of us too sad to sleep, the only thing we have to look at is an empty bed, and the only thing we have to think of is every single person who didn’t want to fill it tonight.”
“…..she needed him to know she did not care. She was spirited, tenacious, and full of contempt for him.”
“Speechless and very nearly panting, she fell back against the wall with a thump, knowing that if she lived to be ninety, she would still carry the searing mark of that kiss on her soul.”At last,” he murmured. “A way to shut you up.” Christovao Santos (Chris), Sanctuary”
“En ocasiones, la vida pone en nuestro camino a personas que, por un motivo u otro, no necesitan más que unas pocas horas para ganarse un lugar en nuestro corazón. A veces, basta una mirada cómplice, una caricia en el dorso de la mano o un beso robado para conectar con alguien. Y de repente, y aunque suene a tópico, es como si os conocierais desde siempre.”
“I know every guy here, and they’re all pretty much jerks.”
“Mark ran his fingers over the bindings and whispered words, written long ago, words that wriggled through the aged leather, trembled beneath his touch. What lives and loves, hopes and dreams, deaths and despair these volumes held.”
“Hay amores que duran toda una vida y otros que apenas llegan a unos pocos meses, pero ambos pueden ser verdaderos. La realidad es que sentimos lo que sentimos, independientemente del tiempo que hace que conocemos a esa persona -prosigue, y creo que me he perdido-. Existe gente que se quiere hasta el día de su muerte y, sin embargo, no pasa toda la vida junta.”
“¿Sabes? Solo tienes una vida, y es demasiado corta para que esperes a ser feliz mañana, porque mañana puede que tampoco lo seas, ni pasado mañana… Y pasarás los días anhelando convertirte en otra persona, porque ya ni siquiera recordarás quién eres.”
“Don’t freak out, I’m getting into the bed,” he said.”
“His lordship and I are…opposite sides of very different coins.”