All Quotes By Tag: Star-quotes
“You cannot steal a star’s beauty, even if you throw it into the dark.”
“A star is praised for its beauty, not its size.”
“It doesn’t matter how far down you fall as long as you can still look up and see the stars.”
“If you try to bury a star in the dark, it will wink at you with its light.”
“The sky has many secrets, but only reveals them to the stars.”
“You cannot hide a star in the dark, no matter how small it is.”
“Stars are the universe’s candles.”
“The universe was happy when the sky was born.The sky was happy when the stars were born.The stars were happy when light was born.Light was happy when the world was born.The world was happy the day you were born.”
“The world has many eyes. The sky has many ears. The stars have many feet. The universe has many hands.”
“You don’t become a star the moment you become famous, you become a star the moment love illuminates your soul.”
“If light took orders from darkness, there would be no stars.”
“One bright star can light up a thousand dark skies.”
“You can turn off the world’s lights, but you cannot turn off the universe’s stars.”
“The sky was empty in the beginning only because it knew it had to be filled with stars.”
“When darkness tries to bury you, remind it you are made of stars.”