“When the chips are down, you are giventhe chance to find the strength you never knew you had and put it toward the greater good. Or go over to the dark side. You know, if that’s how you roll.”

“Hope?” She eyed Cassian dubiously. “Is that the best the Rebel Intelligence can do?” Cassian might as well have shrugged. “Rebellions are built on hope,” he said”

“He saw a figure in white robes near the bridge entrance and turned the tape over in his hand. He approached the woman and said, his tone respectful, “Your Highness. The transmission we received…”The woman looked toward him. He’d seen her face many times before, knew it well. She was young, seemed younger every day, even as her responsibilities grew and grew.He held out his hand. Childlike fingers took the tape.”What is it they’ve sent us?” he asked.Prince Leia Organa looked at him as if he’d placed another burden on her shoulders – another responsibility to add to a count of thousands – and she was proud to bear it.”Hope,” she said.Raymus believed her.”

“But you must still know to respect other people’s faith.”Why? We don’t respect any other delusion. We lock up people who believe they’re Christ, yet we’re supposed to humour those who believe in him.”By definition, faith is irrational: a belief you hold against the normal rules of evidence.”In which case I believe in Jedi”

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”

“I stood and walked around the desk so I could stand over him. Menacingly. Like Darth Vader, only with better lung capacity.”

“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.”

“No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.”