“For academically talented women, in contrast, school success does not guarantee occupational success. Even the best female college students need people who will support them, encourage them, and – most important—who will connect them to opportunities.”

“Outstanding students of color arrived on campus without the web of white middle-class family and school structures that provided Anglo students with practical knowledge in such areas as college choice strategies and career planning.”

“College bonds weakened for students of who lived off campus, took outside employment, and maintained active family commitments. Unskilled in navigating the university, these students were unlikely to enter the personal networks where insiders traded the practical information they desperately needed.”

“For minority students, as for women and working-class white valedictorians, superior college grades did not lead smoothly to high-level satisfying work.”

“Extremely talented students face an odd danger: they do so well in the paths they choose that they might not question whether the direction really fits them.”

“Each breath we take means that we are a success in life.Each step forwards means that we are heading in the right direction.Each dream we have means that we are imaginative and can see our future.Each failure means that we are learning by our mistakes and efforts.Each success means that we have many more ahead of us and not behind.”

“They were all in it together. Together, they could all savor success. They all labored under the same exhaustion. It was therefore a shame she felt so alone.”

“One of the problems with having time to read all that you want is that your interests become so eclectic it’s hard to focus.”

“As valedictorians matured from high school they began to change their views of success from stereotypical ideals such as material wealth or emulating their parents’ lifestyle to an idea created on their own. They now sought balance between money, career and family as opposed to, say, only wealth. Academically and careerwise most of them were traditionally successful.”

“Are valedictorians successful a decade and a half after high school? Yes is the simple answer to this straightforward question…Yet the answer becomes infinitely less simple when we examine what society and the valedictorians themselves mean by “success.”

“The record is clear; nothing succeeds like success and there is no predictor of academic success better than a history of academic success.”

“Success is a game which we measure not by the intentions of our opponents, but by the effects of their play.”

“If your plans are failing, search your motives. When you do things for the wrong reasons, do not expect God to back you up.”

“Hardships are never made easy.”

“You Have The Holy Spirit That’s All You Need For That’s All It Takes!”