“The adherent who believes in the hard working ethics of the black man experiences continuous success and development”

“Your successes were never due to your brains. You achieved them because you have “character.”

“I take care of the future by controlling the past.”

“Godliness makes a man great.”

“You have a choice, you can be someone who makes it happen or someone who lets it happen.”

“The right to education should be protected, preserved and cultivated. The efforts to better the system are good. but they are not enough. We need to work together to change access and to also change how we are taught”

“Success is continually a relative of sweat.”

“Research is an endless loop of failures interspersed with occasional profound discoveries.”

“We sometimes congratulate someone, not because we value or find worthy what they have just achieved, but only because we fear coming across as jealous.”

“Our success and how well we develop in life is greatly influenced by our perceptions, responses and decisions during challenging times”

“God has placed everything in you to succeed”

“Invest today, so as to get from it the utmost health, happiness and success”

“The stories of successful channels, stifling ruts, and missed paths all point to the same conclusion: the successful passage from school to postschool achievement requires an interpersonal process of increasing self-understanding, career socialization, and tacit knowledge.”

“For minority students, as for women and working-class white valedictorians, superior college grades did not lead smoothly to high-level satisfying work.”

“Male valedictorians attended Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, and Stanford. Only one woman chose an Ivy League university-Cornell.”