“Kind of Women who deserve all the happiness as she didn’t ask for it. Nothing matters unless you have a code. Code that defines your life, that shape your present and future. Future worth living for… Future worth all the pain and sacrifices.”

“I think, perhaps, that I begin to understand how much I do not know.”

“One cannot become a pundit by proxy.”

“Wisdom is knowledge, but knowledge is not necessarily wisdom.”

“May love guide your footsteps, and wisdom guide your way.”

“May your wealth be measured in wisdom, and your sense measured in love.”

“Asks, he does…But Oh! A question so small…”

“Annabeth pushed over an easel. Architectural drawing scattered across the floor. “I used to respect you. You were my hero! You—you built amazing things. You solved problems. Now…I don’t know what you are. Children of Athena are supposed to be wise, not just clever. Maybe you are just a machine. You should have died two thousand years ago.”

“Do not dispute your thirst of water……not with the flowing brook.”

“Even though I walk with Buddha, I have never heard him speak, but I know his wisdom as if I could hear his voice inside my ears.”

“May you plant the seeds that will feed a nation of souls.”

“Do not expect from others what you cannot offer yourself.” —Sepideh Irvani, PsyD”

“If they who are appointed to instruct and rule over men had wisdom and virtue themselves, realities, and not fantasies, would enable them to govern better; but scoundrels, quacksalvers, ambitious ruffians, or low sneaks, the lawgivers have ever found it easier to lull nations to sleep with bedtime tales than to teach truths to the public, than to develop intelligence in the population, than to encourage men to virtue by making it worthwhile for sound and palpable reasons, than, in short, to govern them in a logical manner.”

“Before you trust your camel to Allah’s protection, tie it fast on to your fence.”

“Then the pulse.Then a pause.Then twilight in a box.Dusk underfoot.Then generations.—Then the same war by a different name.Wine splashing in the bucket.The erection, the era.Then exit Reason.Then sadness without reason.Then the removal of the ceiling by hand.—Then pages & pages of numbers.Then the page with the faint green stain.Then the page on which Prince Theodore, gravely wounded, is thrown onto a wagon.Then the page on which Masha weds somebody else.Then the page that turns to the story of somebody else.Then the page scribbled in dactyls.Then the page which begins Exit Angel.Then the page wrapped around a dead fish.Then the page where the serfs reach the ocean.Then a nap.Then the peg.Then the page with the curious helmet.Then the page on which millet is ground.Then the death of Ursula.Then the stone page they raised over her head.Then the page made of grass which goes on.—Exit Beauty.—Then the page someone folded to mark her place.Then the page on which nothing happens.The page after this page.Then the transcript.Knocking within.Interpretation, then harvest.—Exit Want.Then a love story.Then a trip to the ruins.Then & only then the violet agenda.Then hope without reason.Then the construction of an underground passage between us.Srikanth Reddy, “Burial Practice” from Facts for Visitors. Copyright © 2004 by the Regents of the University of California. Reprinted by permission of The University of California Press. Source: Facts for Visitors (University of California Press, 2004)”