All Quotes By Tag: Wisdom
“A journey taken in vain is not a wasted journey if you have learnt something.”
“Loyalty and honesty are the most important yet often ignored qualities in business. Long term success depends on these qualities.”
“Si quelqu’un vous dit : “Je me tue à vous le répéter”, laissez-le mourir.”
“Geuza kiburi chako kuwa hekima.”
“Turn your pride into wisdom.”
“On all the earth there is not one leaf that is exactly like another. The Great Spirit likes it that way. He only sketches out the path of life roughly for all the creatures on earth, shows them where to go, where to arrive at, but leaves them to find their own way to get there. He wants them to act independently according to their nature, to the urges in each of them.”
“Many ideologies that promise liberty are only involved in advanced forms of captivity.”
“Believe in those who seek liberation, but not in those who promise liberty.”
“Great philosophy turns your life into a new art form.”
“Without God, my internal compass is something more akin to a windmill in a hurricane.”
“The piscean age was and is about believing. The Aquarian age is about knowing. We have a choice between being foolishly misguided and wisely fed.”
“I see many more successes and wins from those working to be better over those trying to be the best. Remove the hype, the hate and the ego in your growth to truly grow to your potential and beyond. Stop subscribing to the idea that you have to be the best.”
“If you lose your mind to follow others, you will lose many great things in your life…”
“Wise men seek understanding so that others might gain. To pursue knowledge at all costs is the mark of a true fool.”
“The difficulty is believing what we are told, and my grandmother said that a good prayer depends on the audience. It’s all in the clutter of words, this eloquence, the lives before and after transformed into fingerprints, notes of music, the accessories of forgotten civilizations.”