Quotes By Author: jill shalvis
“Sure, good things come to those who wait—but they’re the leftovers from those who got there first.” Chloe Traeger”
“Men are like roses. You have to watch out for the pricks.”
“I’ve given up men. It’s true. At first, I was just going to give up attorneys, but that seemed immature – and far too exclusive, so I’m playing it safe and giving up all the penis-carrying humans.”
“Maddie swallowed hard and tried to channel… which actress? Damn, she couldn’t think of anactress to save her life! She was on her own.”
“I’m done waiting. Done doing things the easy way and letting things happen as they will.”Her heart caught. “What does that mean?””It means this is too important to let slip away again. You’re too important.” He leaned back against the truck with a low grunt of effort, eyes dark, jaw clenched. “I love you too, Tara.”
“There was a group of fans who wanted autographs, and several women who managed to write their phone numbers on Wade’s hand before he pulled free.Sam sent him an arched brow, but he just shrugged. He got numbers written on him a lot; he’d never figured out how to stop that from happening.”
“Forever this time,” he said as Sawyer strode toward them.Tara sighed blissfully. “You know what this means, right?””I’m done guessing,” he said. “Tell me.””It means you’re mine,” she said. “And I’m yours. No more walking away. We are going to get it right this time.”His smile was slow and easy, and just for her. “Well, finally.”
“You came here a fighter, Maddie. Maybe you’d lost a round or two, but you were on your feet. You want to stay in Lucky Harbor? Fight for it. You want a relationship with your sisters? Fight for it.””What about you? What about a relationship with you?”He pulled back to look into her face as if memorizing her features. His voice, when he spoke, was low and gravelly with emotion. “I’m already yours. Always have been. All you have to do is step into the ring.”
“Honest to God, she was the noisiest woman he’d ever been shot at with.”
“I want you to know, chickens aren’t sexy. Not to me.”This was met with silence.“Are you there?” She was slurring her words now, which was embarrassing, so she took a deep breath. “Cam? Can you hear me?”“Yes, chickens aren’t sexy. Uh…I don’t think they’re meant to be.”
“Looking at him, she saw her future and felt all the ragged tears in her heart heal themselves. “I fit,” she whispered in marvel, stepping into him. “I fit with you.”He nodded and wrapped his arms around her. “Perfectly”
“How about we give each other everything we can and not blame each other for what we can’t.”
“Smile. it’s the second best thing you can do with your lips.”
“I chose the path less traveled but only because I was lost. Carry a map. – Phoebe Traeger”
“Ben was in his truck, window down, idling at the curb, dark lenses hiding his eyes from her, looking effortlessly big and badass.The way she wished she felt.”