“How can she take my ‘no’ seriously when my dick is saying, ‘yes?”

“Just putting your acting skills to the test. You adapted and played the role exceptionally well.”

“You can’t be unlovable, Han, because I f**king love you.”

“Trina stared into her open kitchen cabinets. She was two and a half days into her pre-date-night ritual fast, and she was about to crack. Technically, she wasn’t going out on a date Saturday night, but Juliet was determined to have a man in her bed by the end of the evening. To be honest, Trina wasn’t really looking forward to tomorrow night’s manhunt. Sure, she was desperate for some hot monkey sex, but the thought of a one-night-stand was quickly losing its appeal. She wanted more than just plain, old sex. She wanted romance — preferably with someone for whom she didn’t have to fast for three days to attract.”

“He’s reading a book called Great Warlocks of the 18th Century, and to get this ball rolling before Dean Devlin shows up and rains on our private parade, I snort and ask, “Good book?”I forget I’m pretending to be sitting behind my two-thousand-ninety-eight-page Highlights of Modern Chemistry book, so he snorts back. “Better than yours.”

“Lui sta armeggiando in macchina cercando di liberare la piccola dalle cinture del seggiolino. La bimba sembra essersi svegliata, ma lui è bravo, le parla dolcemente e lei non piange e si lascia andare persino a un risolino.«Forse ci vorrebbe del latte» faccio io raggiungendoli, come se di bambini capissi tutto.«Yeah» risponde lui.Yeah?Poi annuisce e mi chiede cortesemente di prendere la borsa rosa che è in macchina. Obbedisco e trotterello dietro di lui in casa.Red, dall’alto del suo palco reale, segue la scena un po’ seccato e commenta con un miao altezzoso. Forse invidioso.Fuck you, Red.”

“Kau yakin kau sudah mengecek rias wajahmu? Matamu kelihatan seperti mata panda.”

“Karamel. Aku baru memperhatikan, warna matanya coklat keemasan, seperti sirup karamel yang selalu kucampurkan di kopiku.”

“Sunny laughed. “It’s okay. You’re right, Emma. My name is unusual, but I like to think of it as… special also.”Special?Sam cocked his head as he studied Sunny. Almost all of her hair had escaped out of her ponytail now. She wore a baggy pink sweatshirt and had on the kind of drawstring plaid pants that would’ve set Bozo the Clown’s heart pitter-pattering with envy. Her yellow tennis shoes were covered with dog hair.Yeah, special was one word for her.”

“Bila dari dulu aku tahu sebuah tabrakan bisa mempertemukanku dengan wanita cantik sepertimu, aku tak akan mengemudi terlalu hati-hati.”

“Ganteng bukan segalanya. Kau belum tahu saja, sewaktu-waktu dia bisa berubah menjadi monster yang mengerikan.”

“Being amongst rough lives and confusion does not make you less, it only makes your beauty shine out more clearly.”

“Wait a minute,” Sandra said, sounding skeptical. “You were really stuck?”Things were starting to get worse.Her mouth dropped open and she began to laugh—the kind of laugh that would have been music to his ears if she were laughing with him and not at him.Things were definitely worse.”

“What was the point of starting a new life if she did everything the same as her old one?”

“Wanita cerdas bisa menghadapi cecunguk mana pun dengan anggun.”