“Life is an endless trial and death its certain verdict, but there are many recesses to enjoy before then.”

“Time is the ultimate critic. What future generations think of us and our work ultimately determines our standing or lack of it.”

“A brainwave in your stream of consciousness ripples past but once. Fail to catch it and an idea that could change your life and the world dissipates on the water’s surface and Is gone forever.”

“All great achievements are the product of absorbing, blending and surpassing one’s influences. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the passing of the torch of inspiration from those who have gone before.”

“The stresses and strains of life mould us into our mature selves. The key to life is to accept the wisdom of our later years while maintaining our youthful enthusiasm and curiosity for the world.”

“Yes, we all die but there’s a tendency to focus on the end too much. Life can be a wondrous, sparkling comet trail that we leave in our wake for others to marvel at.”