All Quotes By Tag: Anthropology
“In marked contrast to the relaxed, typically Latin attitude of the Dominicans the Protestant missionaries were still proceeding at full blast with the fight for souls. These North American evangelists of strictly fundamentalist inclination combined in a curious fashion strict adhesion to the literal meaning of the Old Testament With mastery of the most modern technology. Most of them came from small towns in the Bible Belt, armed with unshakably clear consciences and a rudimentary smattering of theology, convinced that they alone were the repositories of Christian values now abolished elsewhere. Totally ignorant of the vast world, despite their transplantation, and taking the few articles of morality accepted in the rural Amenca of their childhoods to be a universal credo, they strove bravely to spread these principles of salvation all around them.Their rustic faith was well served by a flotilla of light aircraft, a powerful radio, an ultra-modern hospital and four-wheel-drive vehicles — in short, all the equipment that a battalion of crusaders dropped behind enemy lines needed.”
“In years past, a person died, and eventually all those with memories of him or her also died, bringing about the complete erasure of that person’s existence. Just as the human body returned to dust, mingling with atoms of the natural world, a person’s existence would return to nothingness.How very clean.Now, as if in belated punishment for the invention of writing, any message once posted on the Internet was immortal. Words as numerous as the dust of the earth would linger forever in their millions and trillions and quadrillions and beyond.”
“In order to get a holistic explanation, anthropology often has to upend common sense and question what gets taken for granted. Anthropology prompts us to reconsider not only what we think we know – what it means to be affluent, why blood matters, what constitutes reason – but also the terms by which we know it.”
“-Paint-My girlfriend is so besotted that she can’t take her eyes off me. After we’ve turned out the light she puts on her night-vision goggles, and watched me as I sleep. Quite often I am woken by her sighing and involuntary yelps of happiness. This has been going on for years, and is showing no sign of abating. Once I asked her to stop all this infra-red activity, but it didn’t really work; I’d wake up to find her covering me in luminous paint, and softly whispering, ‘Sometimes I wonder if you know how much I love you.”
“It has been said that when an old man dies, a library burns to the ground. But when a language dies, it is a whole world that comes to an end.”
“I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt it in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life.”
“All the world is queer save thee and me, and even thou art a little queer.”