All Quotes By Tag: Bohdi-sanders
“The wise man will always look past the superficial to what lies beneath. Don’t be satisfied with the outward appearance of things, dig deeper and get to the very core. See things as they truly are, not as people would have you see them.”
“It is better to keep your opinions of other people to yourself and not share those feelings with others. There is no reason for you to express your opinion concerning those in power. Mind your own business and keep your opinions to yourself.”
“Don’t feel the need to vent or complain, no matter how badly you would like to express your feelings. When it comes to speaking of those in power, always think of the consequences. Think about how those around you will perceive what you have to say. Will what you say be of advantage to you or will it hurt you in the end?”
“Be smart, not impulsive!”
“In every generation, there are those who refuse to lower themselves, who refuse to compromise their character when tempted, who do the right thing no matter what. There are also those who do not care enough to stand against temptation. It is not because they can’t, but they don’t. And then there are the one who actively choose to be malicious, to hurt people for their own gain or just out of spite; these are the evil ones.”
“The man who does not plan for the future will come to regret it.”
“Don’t train to be ordinary; train to be extraordinary. You have to go beyond the ordinary in order to become extraordinary. You must develop a style that works for you.”