All Quotes By Tag: Books
“Le raccontai tutta la mia vita, non quella passata ma quella che avrei vissuto in futuro.”
“Ognuno aveva un amico in ogni pezzetto di nuvola così è infatti con gli amici dove il mondo è pieno di terrore anche mia madre diceva è del tutto normale non mettere in discussione gli amici pensa a cose più serie.”
“Attraverso i libri ho appreso che i cieli non sono affatto umani e che un uomo che sa pensare, anche lui non è umano, non che non lo voglia, ma ciò contrasta col giusto modo di pensare.”
“Nella chiara mattina domenicale camminavo lungo Olive Street. La città sembrava deserta, la strada era tranquilla. Mi fermai ad ascoltare. Sentivo qualcosa. Era il suono della felicità. Era il mio cuore che batteva dolcemente, ritmicamente. Un orologio, ecco cosa era, un piccolo congegno della felicità.”
“Io credo nel mistero delle parole, e che le parole possano diventare vita, destino; così come diventano bellezza.”
“Schopenhauer remarked that buying books would be better if you could also buy the time to read them. Books are different from natural objects in that they can overwhelm us in a way that nature’s abundance rarely does. There has always been too much to know; the universe is thoroughly baffling. When we walk into a bookstore, it is easy to feel oppressed by the amount of knowledge on tap. Why don’t we have the same feeling in a forest, at the beach, in a big city, or simply in breathing? There is more going on in our body every second than we will ever understand, and yet we rarely feel bothered by our inability to know it all. Books, however, are designed to make demands on our attention and time: they hail us in ways that nature rarely does. A thing is what Heidegger calls zunichtsgedrängt, relaxed and bothered about nothing. A plant or stone is as self-sufficient as the Aristotelian god or Heidegger’s slacker things, but books are needy. They cry out for readers as devils hunger for souls.”
“Books you have read share a deep ontological similarity with books you haven’t: both can be profoundly fuzzy. At times books you haven’t read shine more brightly than those you have, and often reading part of a book will shape your mind more decisively than reading all of it; there is no inherent epistemic superiority to having read a book or not having read it.”
“I believe in fiction and the power of stories because that way we speak in tongues. We are not silenced. All of us, when in deep trauma, find we hesitate, we stammer; there are long pauses in our speech. The thing is stuck. We get our language back through the language of others. We can turn to the poem. We can open the book. Somebody has been there for us and deep-dived the words.”
“Writing a book isn’t an easy process nor is it always enjoyable, but it is one of life’s most satisfying achievements.”
“Stories serve multiple purposes. At a basic level they are great entertainment, which is essential for living a happy and healthy life, but on a deeper level stories help us explore issues that are otherwise difficult to address. On one hand a good book helps us escape our troubles, and on the other hand it can help us face up to those troubles by bringing real issues to the fore, often in a more manageable way, since the problems are experienced vicariously through the eyes of another.”
“On my website there’s a quote from the writer Anthony Burgess: “The greatest gift is the passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind.” I’ve always found that inspiring because the written word, as an art form, is unlike any other: movies, TV, music, they’re shared experiences, but books aren’t like that. The relationship between a writer and a reader is utterly unique to those two individuals. The world that forms in your head as you read a book will be slightly different to that experienced by every other reader. Anywhere. Ever. Reading is very personal, a communication from one mind to another, something which can’t be exactly copied, or replicated, or directly shared. If I read the work of, say, one of the great Victorian novelists, it’s like a gift from the past, a momentary connection to another’s thoughts. Their ideas are down on paper, to be picked up by me, over a century later. Writers can speak individually to readers across a year, or ten years, or a thousand. That’s why I love books.”
“[Kieran]his head propped on a stack of poetry books he’d brought from the library. Almost all of them had been inscribed on the inside cover by a James Herondale, who had neatly written out his favorite lines.”
“The most important things in our intimate lives can’t be discussed with strangers, except in books.”
“Who is better off? The one who writes to revel in the voluptuousness of the life that surrounds them? Or the one who writes to escape the tediousness of that which awaits them outside? Whose flame will last longer?”
“Faith is a question of eyesight; even the blind can see that.”