“God has no name. All organized religions have given names to God to be able to have a personal relationship to God, but God is not a person.God is the underlying force, the energy and the consciousness of existence.If you cannot feel God, the divine, within, you cannot feel him without.The first step is to feel God within.Then prayer to a personal god becomes meaningless, and meditation becomes meaningful.The second step is to realize God without, to realize that God is not the creator, he is creation. He is not separate from creation. He is the force and consciousness of creation. The world is God’s dance; the world is God’s play.”

“Man is like a river on his way towards the ocean, towards the divine. The drop has a thirst, a longing. The drop knows nothing of the ocean, but the drop longs to become one with the ocean. The drop cannot find fulfillment until it becomes on with the ocean, the divine.”

“Brahman is the ultimate reality; it is simultaneously Saguna and Nirguna; divisions are due to ignorance. Mind and intellect can never catch hold of it; they have only one option and that is to merge with it.”