“Failing is inevitable, but becoming a failure is a choice.”

“Dream big, work with passion, and then let it be.”

“Never give in or give up, but do grow up!”

“As if you own an ocean, give away kindness like water.”

“Stay patient and persistent. Be flexible and never forget to be curious.”

“Dance like thunder, sing like rain, and bloom like a flower.”

“It is never too late to passionately care for humanity while loving yourself endlessly.”

“If you get lost, change your thoughts to find the way.”

“Two things prevent you from becoming a success: dwelling in the past with regret, and following others blindly.”

“Do not pray for help when you are facing adversity. Pray for wisdom, strength, and tenacity so that you can overcome it.”

“What song will you sing if you know that you are the greatest singer and everyone is eagerly waiting to hear you sing?”

“For rulers, religion is a great tool to rule the common people.”

“Above the clouds, the sky is always blue and beautiful. Raise yourself above the clouds of everyday problems and enjoy this magnificent life”

“The best song of life is yet to be sung; the best dreams of life are yet to be dreamed.”

“Feelings are much more powerful than the ability to express or speak.”