“I used to believe in so many things—elves and leprechauns, virgins riding unicorns. I trusted that the world was made up of people who were generally good, though they may have lost their way temporarily. The faith my mother gave me—the words she whispered when she said good night, the idea that gave me hope for the two of us even when we fought bitterly over trivial things, as mothers and daughters do, I guess—was her belief in love, a love so unconditional we could barely scratch at the edges of comprehending it.”

“… challenge the church to do better, be more of who Christ wants us to be …”

“Addressing the concept of man made additions to the faith – “These additions-standards, practices, and allegiances supposedly created for our spiritual benefit-have had the opposite effect.”

“Un sceptique qui adhère à un croyant cela est simple comme la loi des couleurs complémentaires.Ce qui nous manque nous attire.”

“In essence, we are deeper than being; we are character, which contains the conscious forces of love, justice, kindness, faith, and forgiveness.”

“بحكم المنطق الداخلي للأشياء يتوازى كل من التطور و الحضارةو العلم والطوبيا مع الإلحاد، بينما يتوازى الخلق والثقافة و الفن و الأخلاق مع الدين.”

“It’s because we have little faith that we look within instead of without.”

“He is the light in my life and the rock beneath my feet. (Referring to the Lord Jesus)”

“‎Those who aren’t following Jesus aren’t his followers. It’s that simple. Followers follow, and those who don’t follow aren’t followers. To follow Jesus means to follow Jesus into a society where justice rules, where love shapes everything. To follow Jesus means to take up his dream and work for it.”

“Take faith, for example. For many people in our world, the opposite of faith is doubt. The goal, then, within this understanding, is to eliminate doubt. But faith and doubt aren’t opposites. Doubt is often a sign that your faith has a pulse, that it’s alive and well and exploring and searching. Faith and doubt aren’t opposites, they are, it turns out, excellent dance partners.”

“Celebrating faith over reason is merely a way of denying what is, in favor of embracing any whim that strikes your fancy.”

“Faith is stronger than so-called reason.”

“On the concept of unity- “Thatʼs right-Jesusʼ most pressing concern beforeleaving the earth was our unity. He was looking ahead, to every generation ofbeliever. And as he prayed, he made it clear that our witness as his body in thisfractured , messed-up, chaotic world would depend on our love for another.”

“Faith is the choice of the nobler hypothesis.’ Not the noblest, one never knows what that is. But the nobler, the best one can see when the choice is made.”

“Little faith sees God’s hand in great things. Established faith sees God’s hand in little things.”