All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge
“I brought the knowledge of vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences) right from birth! It is my discovery of infinite past lives!!”
“One is not the doer at all. Vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences) is the doer. I have revealed this knowledge and that is why we refer to it as the ‘lift’ (elevator) path!”
“It is known as Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) when equanimity (samata) prevails in adverse conditions.”
“With the support of the knowledge of Vyavasthit (result of Scientific Circumstantial Evidence) and the awakened awareness (jagruti) of One’s own Real form (Swaroop), One can observe saiyam (a state free of anger-pride-deceit-greed, attachment and abhorrence) completely.”
“The Knowledge in which no doubt (shanka) is placed is known as doubtfree Knowledge (nihshank Gnan). Nishank Gnan is Knowledge of the absolute pure Soul.”
“If a person who has dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) attains an instrument such that it helps him aquire the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan), then it is worthwhile; otherwise dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) brings about lifelessness.”
“Where Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) prevails and where dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) reaches its pinnacle, that is when the state of absolute detachment (vitaraagata) arises. To not harbor any attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh) where the world experiences attachment-abhorrence is considered the state of absolute detachment.”
“What is this satsang (in Akram) like? Here, there are no such botherations of, ‘do this’, ‘do good’, ‘do that’, ‘ask for forgiveness’, ‘do introspection’, ‘do chanting’, ‘do penance’. Here, One does not have to ‘do’ anything. Here, One just needs to Know and to understand. The right belief of ‘I am pure Soul’ (Samkit) can be attained only through understanding and Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) arises through Knowing. And the One who has Known and understood, He can have the right Conduct as the Self (samyak Charitra).”
“Човешкото същество е петимно за знание, жаждата за нови неща е дълбоко заключена в природата ни.”
“If you go to ‘do’ anything, then bondage will happen there. Wherever you ‘do’, there is bondage and with understanding, there is freedom.”
“Why can jiva (living being) not attain the self? It is because agnan is dear to it.”
“Dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) will persist only if there is discretion (vivek) between that which is appropriate and that which is inappropriate, otherwise dispassion for worldly life can never last. The discretion between that which is appropriate and that which is inappropriate comes through the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan).”
“For dispassion of worldly life (vairaag) one requires experiential Knowledge; it will not do if one goes about it baselessly!”
“Knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous.”
“Wisdom makes you humble; knowledge enhances your ego.”