“Despite knowing and seeing through the senses, if one remains free from attachment-abhorrence, it is called knowledge beyond the senses (atindriya-gnan). But if one has attachment-abhorrence, then one is seeing and knowing through the knowledge of the senses (indriya-gnan).”

“Without the Knowledge of One’s real form as the Self and Its realization, anything that is being done will cause that living being to wander about aimlessly in worldly life.”

“How can one who does not Know the eternal element (tattva), speak about it? The world only knows that which is not eternal (attatva).”

“There are four pillars of liberation (moksha): Knowledge (Gnan), Vision (Darshan), Conduct as the Self (Charitra) and penance (tapa). In this, the Lord has not referred to external penance as penance for liberation. ‘He’ has referred to inner penance only as the penance for liberation.  ”

“Mix in consideration with your determination in the conversations or emails you start or send during solicitation.”

“The more you read, the less you sound foolish when you speak.”

“The Knowledge that manifests in conduct; that is true Knowledge. The rest are considered as knowledge without substance (shushka gnan). This Akram Vignan is such that it will manifest in conduct!”

“To sustain the value of education, students should be respected as much as the teachers.”

“Worldly life is a path of evolutionary development for all embodied living beings. It is a very long path. So in the past life, you kept moving and in this life, you keep moving. On this path, whatever knowledge you see, your faith gets established on that knowledge. That faith then manifests as an effect (roopak). In the next life, a different kind of knowledge is acquired, but the effect that manifests is from the knowledge of the past life! This gives rise to the delimma that, ‘Why doesn’t the effect that manifests come in accordance to the mind?’ Whatever amount of knowledge is accumulated, that much delimma arises.”

“Illusory knowledge is knowledge based on the belief that, ‘I am Chandubhai’ and real Knowledge is Knowledge based on the right belief of, ‘I am pure Soul’. Therefore, it is worth understanding real Knowledge only.  ”

“The Knowledge (Gnan) is itself the absolute Self (Parmatma). Gnan (Knowledge) never becomes agnan (ignorance), but the applied awareness changes and that is what is referred to as agnan (ignorance)!”

“We’ (Gnani Purush) have Seen the facts as they are, in our Knowledge, and that is what I speak about. There is no superior father figure who binds one. Agnan (ignorance) binds and Gnan (Knowledge of the Self), will liberate. The ignorance that binds is everywhere, whereas the Knowledge that liberates can only be obtained if one comes across a Gnani Purush!”

“The worldly knowledge that you have received, do not dispense justice on the basis of that worldly knowledge. I have spoken of ‘vyavasthit’ (result of scientific circumstantial evidences), dispense justice on the basis of that Knowledge. The basis of worldly knowledge will torment you. If worldly knowledge dispels then worldly life goes. It is with the Knowledge of vyavasthit, that worldly knowledge dispels.”

“I hate to give the impression that I know what I’m talking about.”

“At the moment, when one feels, ‘I can’t do it’, then today’s knowledge shows that, ‘I should do this’, whereas the past [life] knowledge says, ‘There is no need to do this.’ What happens when one feels, ‘I can’t do it, I can’t do it?’ The intents of the one who says this, change. Once the faith is established in today’s knowledge, that, ‘I should do this, I should do this’, then in the next life that will manifest as an effect!”