All Quotes By Tag: Motivational-quotations
“The greater your cross the greater your crown.”
“When harsh winds blow harder strong birds soar higher.”
“If you are full of fear, you will drown in the shallowest river. If you are full of faith, you will swim across the deepest ocean.”
“When the world throws rocks at you, turn them into diamonds.”
“The depths to which you descend point to the heights to which you will rise.”
“An ounce of faith can lift a tonne of fear.”
“Moving hills is a stepping stone to moving mountains.”
“The brightest stars earn their honor in the darkest skies.”
“Embrace your true dreams, ignore your false nightmares.”
“The darker the hell the brighter the heaven.”
“Find a career that will help you change the world, not just your financial status.”
“An ounce of positivity conquers a ton of negativity.”
“Scars prove to the world that you were brave enough to overcome something.”
“You don’t climb mountains with your eyes, you climb them with your feet.”
“Keep your head above the water, even if the air is not clean.”