“you’re already naked in this worldin this timein this lifebeacause your next loveyour next hungeryou next laughterand even your next tearmay never come”

“A wealth you cannot imagineflows through you.Do not consider what strangers say.Be secluded in your secret heart-house,that bowl of silence.”

“I sent my Soul through the Invisible, Some letter of that After-life to spell: And by and by my Soul return’d to me, And answer’d: ‘I Myself am Heav’n and Hell”

“Lovers find secret placesinside this violent worldwhere they make transactions with beauty.”

“Oh, come with old Khayyàm, and leave the Wise To talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies; One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies; The Flower that once has blown forever dies.”

“Woman is the light of God.”

“You think of yourselfas a citizen of the universe.You think you belong to this world of dust and matter.Out of this dustyou have created a personal image,and have forgottenabout the essence of your true origin”