“A world without poetry and art would be too much like one without birds or flowers: bearable but a lot less enjoyable.”

“Settle, for sure and universally, what conduct will promote the happiness of a rational being.”

“ويبدوا أنه مع العمر لا يطل هناك ما يدهشان . لكننا بذلك نفقد شيئا أساسيا هو ما يحاول الفلاسفة إيقاظه فيه داخلنا. ذاك ‘ن صوتا في عمق أعماقنا يقول لنا ان الحياة لغز كبير. وهذا ما جربناه قبل أن يعلموننا اياه بكثير”

“I believe in spectacles, but I think eyes necessary too.”

“Thomas Jefferson, that owner of many slaves, chose to begin the Declaration of Independence by directly contradicting the moral basis of slavery, writing “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights …” thus undercutting simultaneously any argument that Africans were racially inferior, and also that they or their ancestors could ever have been justly and legally deprived of their freedom. In doing so, however, he did not propose some radically new conception of rights and liberties. Neither have subsequent political philosophers. For the most part, we’ve just kept the old ones, but with the word “not” inserted here and there. Most of our most precious rights and freedoms are a series of exceptions to an overall moral and legal framework that suggests we shouldn’t really have them in the first place.”

“The soul exists partly in eternity and partly in time.”

“What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.”

“I believe in political solutions to political problems. But man’s primary problems aren’t political; they’re philosophical. Until humans can solve their philosophical problems, they’re condemned to solve their political problems over and over and over again. It’s a cruel, repetitious bore.”

“Here we find further argument for Gotagga’s supposition that the world is round. How else could all men stand higher than their brothers?”

“Reason is the power or capacity whereby we see or detect logical relationships among propositions.”

“Can a woman not walk with her possessions down the street of a city?”

“This is the concentration camp and crematorium at Auschwitz. This is where people were turned into numbers. Into this pond were flushed the ashes of some four million people. And that was not done by gas. It was done by arrogance. It was done by dogma. It was done by ignorance. When people believe that they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, this is how they behave.”

“I am an i poet.”

“I bargained with Life for a penny,And Life would pay no more, However I begged at eveningWhen I counted my scanty store;For Life is just an employer,He gives you what you ask,But once you have set the wages,Why, you must bear the task.I worked for a menial’s hire,Only to learn, dismayed,That any wage I had asked of Life,Life would have paid.”

“You may tend to get cancer from the thing that makes you want to smoke so much, not from the smoking itself.”