“Your problem with religion is virtually every faithless person’s problem with religion: that it offers irreducible answers. But some questions in the end simply aren’t empirically verifiable…All religion really does is to be honest about this, by giving the reliance a specific name: faith.”

“When your child feels fully loved by you, then they will feel fully loved by God. That is how you keep them connected to their faith.”

“Give your heart permission to let go of the need for certainty and leave space for the unknown.”

“…as a child, she had believed in God because it was so clear, so obvious, that he existed. She couldn’t imagine how anyone could think differently. And then, ten years on, the same absolute conviction that there was no deity, no otherness, only the material world that could be seen, heard and felt. How could anyone possibly believe in God? It wasn’t until a further ten years on that she had come to the possibility of agnosticism, and the ability to live with an uncertainty. Even then, she had trouble understanding how anyone could believe firmly one way or the other.”

“Don’t be afraid. Just believe.”

“There are two ways to interpret what Paul says in Galatians 3:28 about our being one in Christ: either it means that we’re all whitewashed and homogenized and our differences are erased… or it means that we’re called to find a way to make our different identities fit together, like the bright shards in assorted colors that make up the stained glass windows of a cathedral. Are we called to sameness, or are we called to oneness?”

“But you have no religious faith.” Richard had said, smiling, “you’re not even a believer.” Jennifer hadn’t tried to explain to him that religious belief was not the point. The will to believe created its own power, its own faith, and, ultimately, its own will. Through the practice of faith, whatever its specific rituals, one brought into existence the object of that faith. The believer became the Creator.”

“se adormiló suavemente con la languidez mística que brota de los aromas del altar, del frescor de las pilas de agua benita y del resplandor de las velas”

“Religious ideas generally are activated in people’s minds only situationally, and religious action, including the act of expressing religious beliefs or attitudes, mainly is bounded and situational.”

“I used to have Faith, but now I’m with Gloria.”

“esas comparaciones de prometido, esposo, amante celestial y de matrimonio eterno, que se repiten en los sermones, le despertaban en lo hondo del corazón ternezas inesperadas”

“The word religion literally means “to ligate again” or “to tie back” to God. The question we might ask ourselves is, are we securely tied to God so that our faith shows, or are we actually tied to something else? For example, I have overheard conversations on Monday mornings about professional athletic games that took place on the preceding Sunday. For some of these avid fans, I have wondered if their “religion” would “tie them back” only to some kind of a bouncing ball… There is only One in whom your faith is always safe, and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. And you need to let your faith show!”


“I know. You are about to say that Satan lifts up the evil lords to thwart God’s power (that’s the standard argument, I believe) but you can’t have it both ways. If there is an all-powerful God who created everything, then He must have created Lucifer to become Satan. If He has a Divine Plan, then Satan is part of that plan—evil, hatred, misery, disease, squalor, death—these must all be part of the plan. Mordred and Malestair and their ilk are part of God’s plan. The other option is that Satan was a mistake. But if God made a mistake—especially one of that magnitude, one Hell of a mistake—how can you believe that He is all-knowing and all-powerful? It calls into question the supposedly ‘inevitable’ outcome of the cosmic battle between good and evil.”

“So you truly believe in nothing?” she asked.“No,” he coughed. “I don’t believe in anything—which isn’t the same as believing in nothing. Belief in nothing, it seems to me, takes quite as much faith as belief in something. I am utterly incapable of that kind of commitment.”