“Your mind is your utmost freedom. Handled correctly, fed properly and cared for lovingly, you will cultivate that freedom. The mind will expand, see more clearly, love more sincerely and know more acutely and wisely.”

“I have finally come to the realisation that nothing is truer than our own manifestation.I mean society sucks, everything is backwards and I am awake in a world alone full of ignorant minds, toxic belief systems and sleeping souls.My mind is a bed of soil for me to plant my seeds, I need to keep my soil healthy.I have to water my seeds with actions and in the warmth of presence day by day, I appreciate watching my plants grow.I am fluid, I am objective and I make noise waking the sleeping souls around me as my garden comes to life.Lead by example.”

“Be your best self, work your whole life on it. And when you die, you leave the best version of yourself behind.”

“You don’t become a star the moment you become famous, you become a star the moment love illuminates your soul.”

“You know a woman is truly special when the most beautiful thing she has on is her soul.”

“You recognize your lower self when you look in a mirror, but only recognize your higher self when you look inside your soul.”