All Quotes By Tag: Time
“Dates can make you regular.Dates can make you happy.And…Dates can help you keep track of the days.”
“If everything in the universe evolves toward increasing disorder, it must have started out in an exquisitely ordered arrangement. This whole chain of logic, purporting to explain why you can’t turn an omelet into an egg, apparently rests on a deep assumption about the very beginning of the universe. It was in a state of very low entropy, very high order. Why did our part of the universe pass though a period of such low entropy?”
“Какие пустяки, какие глупые мелочи иногда приобретают в жизни значение, вдруг ни с того ни с сего. По-прежнему смеёшься над ними, считаешь пустяками, и всё же идешь и чувствуешь, что у тебя нет сил остановиться.”
“She followed slowly and she needed time,as though some long ascent were not yet by;and yet: as though, when she had ceased to climb,she would no longer merely walk, but fly.”
“Being in a hurry does not slow down time.”
“Distance creates perspective, time ascertains it”
“Time refuses to be simplified and reduced. You cannot say that it is found only in the mind or only in the universe, that it runs only in one direction, or in every one imaginable. That it exists only in biological substructure, or is only a social convention. That it is only individual or only collective, only cyclic, only linear, relative, absolute, determined, universal or only local, only indeterminate, illusory, totally true, immeasurable, measurable, explicable, or unapproachable. It is all of these things.”
“Love is pretty much always confusing, and it doesn’t ever show up at a convenient time.”
“Time went on. Whatever happened, nothing happened, because she was so beautifully out of contact . . . Time went on as the clock does, half-past eight instead of half-past seven.”
“Time has told meYour’re a rare, rare findA troubled cureFor a troubled mind”
“She wasted my heart, my time.”
“The oceans, the skies and time bow down, at the sound of His voice. God is so great, He deserves all praise.”
“And last, the rending pain of re-enactmentOf all that you have done, and been; the shameOf things ill done and done to others’ harmWhich once you took for exercise of virtue.Then fools’ approval stings, and honour stains.”
“Without a calendar, where would the week go?”
“book collecting is only meaningful if it’s personal,” Oscar clarified. “If it’s just another way of accumulating wealth instead of for the books themselves it isn’t right. Collectors are trying to protect themselves. To separate themselves. It’s a hierarchy.”