All Quotes By Tag: Truth
“The life of truth is cold.”
“An ant can’t define shape of an elephant solely from its’ point of view.They have to unify all views. It’s a way for ant to understand elephant.In order to understand true realities, men need to do mental blending.”
“It must have been then that I began to lose faith in reasonable argument as the sole measure of truth.”
“Smartass Disciple: Master, I feel really really confused about the truth.Master of Stupidity: Only confused? Walk in my shoes then you tell me.”
“If you learn from many wise men who disagree one another,you will find that there are many wisdoms came out of truth.In the end, you must find truth and define your own wisdom.”
“Bullshit takes no genius,even fool senses its’ foul.”
“When an old truth ceases to be applicable, it does not become any truer by being stood on its head.”
“Toutes les opinions ne se valent pas, et il ne faut pas confondre l’éloquence d’une parole avec la justesse d’une pensée.”
“Cunning grows in deceit at seeing itself discovered, and tries to deceive with truth itself.”
“The Four Noble Truths are pragmatic rather than dogmatic. They suggest a course of action to be followed rather than a set of dogmas to be believed. The four truths are prescriptions for behavior rather than descriptions of reality. The Buddha compares himself to a doctor who offers a course of therapeutic treatment to heal one’s ills. To embark on such a therapy is not designed to bring one any closer to ‘the Truth’ but to enable one’s life to flourish here and now, hopefully leaving a legacy that will continue to have beneficial repercussions after one’s death. (154)”
“If there is to be reconciliation, first there must be truth.”
“…at last I understood that writing was this: an impulse to share with other people a feeling or truth that I myself had.”
“Today wouldn’t have happened if histories weren’t falsified.”
“You should be spreading the good word. You should be etching the good word onto the glass scanning beds of library photocopiers. You should be scraping the truth onto old auto parts and throwing them off bridges so that people digging in the mud in a million years will question the world, too. You should be carving eyeballs into tire treads and onto shoe soles so that your every trail speaks of thinking and faith and belief. You should be designing molecules that crystallize into poems of devotion. You should be making bar codes that print out truth, not lies. You shouldn’t even throw away a piece of litter unless it has the truth stamped on it–a demand for people to reach a finer place! …Your new life will be tinged with urgency, as though you’re digging out the victims of an avalanche. If you’re not spending every waking moment of your life living the truth, if you’re not plotting every moment to boil the carcass of the old order, then you’re wasting your day.”
“Sometimes before your luck can be good,someone else’s has to be bad”