“In calm cold midwinter, there was a starving hunter,who lost his way in forest,and had no food no shelter,One day he woke of hunger, and started walking faster, he walked for miles and miles,but nothing saw his eyes,He trembled of an anger,his hope forever died,like thirsty bowing flower,the poor hunter cried,He started walking further,then saw a wounded deer, who lied near the river,with so much pain to bear.The deer was also hunted,by hunter like this man,her eyes were getting colder,and filled with so much fear,The hunter felt so pity,of what he saw over there,his sufferings were same as,of which were of the deer,And then they died together,as reached the starving”

“It is not a matter of being broken, even though I am in fact quite shattered. It is understanding that my capacity to be fixed always exceeds the extent to which I’m broken.”

“When you saw a wounded who cry out for help,you may be the one sent by God to bring a favor.”