Quotes By Author: Charles Caleb Colton
“Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away.”
“To write what is worth publishing, to find honest people to publish it, and get sensible people to read it, are the three great difficulties in being an author.”
“Our admiration of fine writing will always be in proportion to its real difficulty and its apparent ease.”
“Suicide sometimes proceeds from cowardice, but not always; for cowardice sometimes prevents it; since as many live because they are afraid to die, as die because they are afraid to live”
“The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame”
“Men spend their lives in anticipations,—in determining to be vastly happy at some period when they have time. But the present time has one advantage over every other—it is our own. Past opportunities are gone, future have not come. We may lay in a stock of pleasures, as we would lay in a stock of wine; but if we defer the tasting of them too long, we shall find that both are soured by age.”
“Friendship often ends in love. But love in friendship; never.”
“If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself ~ all that runs over will be yours.”