“Cyrano: The leaves—Roxane: What color—Perfect Venetian red! Look at them fall.Cyrano: Yes—they know how to die. A little wayFrom the branch to the earth, a little fearOf mingling with the common dust—and yetThey go down gracefully—a fall that seemsLike flying!”

“Your neck. I want to kiss it.”

“…But…to sing,to dream, to smile, to walk, to be alone, be free,with a voice that stirs and an eye that still can see!To cock your hat to one side, when you pleaseat a yes, a no, to fight, or- make poetry!To work without a thought of fame or fortune,on that journey, that you dream of, to the moon!Never to write a line that’s not your own…”

“I carry my adornments on my soul.I do not dress up like a popinjay;But inwardly, I keep my daintiness.I do not bear with me, by any chance,An insult not yet washed away- a conscienceYellow with unpurged bile- an honor frayedTo rags, a set of scruples badly worn.I go caparisoned in gems unseen,Trailing white plumes of freedom, garlandedWith my good name- no figure of a man,But a soul clothed in shining armor, hungWith deeds for decorations, twirling- thus-A bristling wit, and swinging at my sideCourage, and on the stones of this old townMaking the sharp truth ring, like golden spurs!”

“A great nose may be an indexOf a great soul”