“Time sometimes becomes very merciless, heartless — it switches off the brightness of the eyes that you once loved.”

“If the old generation is weak-spirited, while the young generation is smooth-tongued, it means that it is not case that you are in the right place at the right time with the right people– you can hardly do something significant in this social spatio-temporal continuum.”

“Success has nothing to do with morality.”

“You don’t have to be religious to make the world a better place to live — you have to be just a human being.”

“It is believed that knowledge can automatically change the personality, that is, the more you know, the more likely that you will change yourself. But this is false faith. If certain knowledge is not mentally “absorbed” – there is no significant difference in your vision before and after its existence, this means that you do not yet know this. This is a simple automatic brain-act, similar to the cognitive processes that occur in the artificial brain of computers. True knowledge occurs only when you feel that you already know it. Without this feeling, your brain does not hold any true knowledge.”

“Why do we tend to consider ourselves happier than homeless people? If there is no money, no gold, no private property, no marriage, no religion, no government, maybe there is no reason to trouble about anything, which in turn can save human life from the unnecessary anxiety associated with them. Anxiety comes mainly from the connection to external world. If you have got nothing of value in the external world, you will have no fear of losing anything there. If there is no fear, there is no reason to be unhappy and there are more reasons to enjoy just the existence of yourself.”

“Conditional happiness, to a considerable extent, depends on the chance to meet a highly desirable person in the right place at the right moment. If this is not the case, it means that either too early, or too late for you to be happy — your time, for this mission, has not yet come, or it has already passed away.”

“To be happy, without any condition, you should seek the roots of the happiness in internal factors — unconditional happiness means to practice this phenomenon without any spatio-temporal dependency, that is, everywhere and everytime. Unlike external factors, which determine the conditional happiness in a particular spatio-temporal continuum, and which is out of personal control in such a way that a small difference in such a continuum could influence your sense of happiness, internal factors are more likely to be controlled by you, at least to some extent, therefore, are promising a chance to arrange your happiness yourself without any dependence on someone else.”

“The state of bliss is based on having pleasure, the basis of which is sexual pleasure. Without the regular sexual life, there cannot be a state of happiness. However, in sexual intercourse, the essential factor for getting sexual pleasure doesn’t depend primarily on this sexual act in itself, but on the fact that the brain should be ready to experience this sexual pleasure — the impulses receiving during sexual intercourse can rush to the pleasure center of the brain and trigger an orgasm. At this point, the functional state of the female brain, which is very sensitive to external factors, differs from the male brain. The sexual impulses in general can trigger an orgasm in sexual intercourse only if the fear and anxiety center of the brain has been deactivated. But this deactivation does not occur in a similar way in both genders. Neuropsychology says that before the fear and anxiety center has been turned off, in the female brain, any last minute worry — even if about kids, or getting dinner on the table, not to mention the serious career-related anxiety — can interrupt the march of sexual impulses toward orgasm. Unlike the female brain, male brain does not experience such difficulties associated with orgasm. For that reason, women in general may be less likely to be happy in social life than men. Perhaps, in some cases, the happy face of a career woman is simply a social mask for others.”

“Don’t give anything to anybody very easily. Life is not a gift. Life is a struggle. Make him dream about it and it will make him more and more happy by getting it. If someone has already become accustomed to happiness, this is not happiness yet.”

“Don’t live in the past. Enjoy the present moment and think of future. And happiness will follow you.”

“Even if there can be the first cause of the Universe — God, it wouldn’t necessarily support any evidence that God can convey some information about his will to some chosen persons, that there is some holy scriptures, containing just God’s message to humanity sent in that way. Any information, which you can get from the alleged ‘holy scripture’, is a product of the human mind, written by humans and changed by humans in various periods.There is no invariant version of any ‘holy scripture’, even if the concepts and propositions of it formally remain the same, their meaning is changing constantly, as a result of different interpretations, from one civilization to another, from one period to another. That interpretation is more essential and decisive than what is formally written there. Not ‘holy scripture’ itself, but its interpretation manipulates brains in such a way that a person builds his religious vision on the basis of the interpretation of ‘holy scripture’ made by somebody else. Without that interpretation, a person can hardly perceive anything in ‘holy scripture’ in terms of religion. But the main problem is that there cannot be only one interpretation of ‘holy scripture’, and there cannot be harmony among various religious visions, even within one religion. One interpretation can make you be humanist, while another — aggressive, depending on who and how interpreted what is written there. The naked truth is that when someone interprets something, he does it according to his mental apparatus, that is why any ‘holy scripture’ can only express the state of this mental apparatus with its cognitive and emotional bias, in some cases even its serious defect and disorder, and not the will of God itself.”

“The first cause of the Universe — no matter how you name it, God or something else — could only created a physical substance but not the reality itself. Although reality can be associated with the physical world, reality and the physical world do not coincide. Only the brain can create reality, — for that reason, reality is an individual phenomenon, being dependent on the physical characteristics of the individual brain, such as the brain-design, neurodynamic activity, etc. — reality cannot be created by God, or something else. Reality cannot be a universal phenomenon, that is, can be the same for everyone. What happens in the brain causes the conceptualization of the outer world and creates a mental image of this world in the brain. You see, sense or perceive the outer world only through this mental image within you. You cannot be sure of the characteristics of any physical object, because your mental apparatus has a strong influence on the interpretation of signals coming from that object. You characterize something ‘so-and-so’ not because it is inseparable attribute, but because the chemicals acting in your brain cause you to do it, creating appropriate mental apparatus inside you in that moment. The reality cannot be immutable, it is changeable as well as the outer world. The reality changes over and over again, but it does not change symmetrically with the change in the physical world, and not only because of this change. Your reality is changing within your lifespan because of chemical changing inside your brain more than due to merely changing of the outer world. You cannot control the physical world’s changing, but you can do it with respect to your reality, to a considerable extent, influencing for what is going on in your brain in different ways, ranging from nourishment and sexual satisfaction in life to meditation.”

“For Nietzsche, woman was God’s second mistake. But what then is the first? I don’t know, even if I believed in the God of Abraham and Abrahamic religions, it would be a bit diffucult for me to answer it. However, based on the religious scriptures, one can assume that God was a bit disappointed with his masterpiece — Adam, realised that life in Paradise seems a bit incomplete, uninteresting for him, he cannot find the meaning of his life, therefore God decided to correct his mistake by creating Eve to be Adam’s love. As a result, with the help of Eve, eating fruit from the forbidden tree in Paradise, both of them had to abandon there. However, God couldn’t do anything, because he had already made his second mistake — he created such a charming and deceitful being for Adam’s mind. Perhaps, this is just the creation myth of Abrahamic religions, nevertheless, I am convinced that the woman is a charming and deceitful being for male mind.”

“If God is omniscient, this doesn’t necessarily mean that he is omnipotent, too. Omniscience is associated with future events that cannot be changed. In similar way, it is impossible to change the causal chain leading up to the emergence of these future events, while omnipotence is related to the power to change and re-arrange this causal chain itself. Now the question is whether God can have it in his power to make such a change and re-arrangement? If yes, then God would contradict himself: how can God foreknow something that will not happen because of an alteration of the causal chain leading to its occurrence at a later time? If not, God would contradict himself, too: how can God be Almighty if he cannot alter what he believed to happen at a earlier time?”