“The baby should always be saved in preference to the mother. That is the advice of the Holy Church, you know that. I was only reminding women of their duty. There is no need to make everything so personal, Margaret. You make everything into your own tragedy.”

“Men die in battle; women die in childbirth.”

“This is what I feared would come; this is what I have dreaded. It is not very bright and honorable as you have always thought it; it is not like a ballad. It is a muddle and a mess, and a sinful waste, and good men have died and more will follow.”

“Poor little girl. Poor little girl,” Nan says, and at first I think she is speaking of the baby, perhaps it is a girl after all. But then I realize she is speaking of me, a girl of thirteen years, whose own mother has said that they can let her die as long as a son and heir is born.”

“Stars in the night,’ he said. ‘Something something something something, some delight”

“He had taken George, my beloved George, from me. And he had taken my other self: Anne.”

“We’re going’ Anne said firmly. So soon?’ Percy pleaded. ‘But stars come out at night.’Then they fade at dawn’, Anne replied. ‘This star needs to veil herself in darkness.”

“When they see us dance. When they see how you look at me. When they see how I smile at you.”

“The truth is the last thing that matters,’ she said. ‘And you can believe one thing of the truth and me: I keep it well hidden, inside my heart.”

“Do you not think that God will protect us?”“No,” he said flatly. “My experience is that He rarely attends to the obvious.”

“I would know you anywhere for my true love. Whoever I was and whoever you were, I would know you at once for my true love.”

“I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t do anything but think about him. At night I dream of him, all day I wait to see him, and when I do see him my heart turns over and I think I will faint with desire.”

“He promised her that he would give her everything, everything she wanted, as men in love always do. And she trusted him despite herself, as women in love always do.”