All Quotes By Tag: Death
“Death is the force that will create your new life. It is a mechanism of transformation. Welcome it.”
“June is gone. For the first time, the enormity of that hits me. Every muscle aches, my heart most of all. I am throbbing with how much I miss her. It hurts worse than anything. I don’t know how I’m supposed to be expected to live day to day carrying this kind of pain. I don’t know how I’m supposed to go out there, spread her ashes, and let her go.I want to stop running away from everything.I want to find something to run toward.”
“I’ll never be ready. Yet at the same time, you always want to reach the end. You can’t fly to a destination and linger in the air. I want to reach the end of this thing, and I feel terrible about it.”
“I’m not courting death; I’ve far too many books left to read.”
“Beastly of him to die before you realized he might be fascinating.”
“My flesh winced, in cowardice, from such a death.”
“We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love”
“Immortality like this is about as useful as sunscreen on a submarine.”
“I could kill you a thousand times over Abraham, but we would never be even. You took everything I had.”
“We are only an instant, that’s true. But we are eternal.”
“It doesn’t matter how much his mother loves him; love is not enough to keep any of us alive.”
“Part of this experience involves your being able to say to a person who is dying, “You are loved. You are beautiful. You are like a newborn babe, going into another realm. Release now anyone, and everything, that is a burden to you. Release everything and know that you have lived your life to the fullest. There is no judgment on you. Go in peace, put a smile on your face, and release any judgments you hold. Relax, and allow your life to have meaning as you embark on the next phase of your identity.”
“You may say suicide is a loss of control and cowardly. Foolish as it may sound, I am prepared to argue.”
“I’ve been asked by lots of people, “What happens if you do kill yourself?” They want to know about what it would be like for other people around you, like the person who would find your body, the other kids at school, whoever would have to clean up the blood, what your family holidays would be like.”
“I want to tell the rebels that I am alive. That I’m right here in District Eight, where the Capitol has just bombed a hospital full of unarmed men, women and children. There will be no survivors.” The shock I’ve been feeling begins to give way to fury. “I want to tell people that if you think for one second the Capitol will treat us fairly if there’s a cease-fire, you’re deluding yourself. Because you know who they are and what they do.” My hands go out automatically, as if to indicate the whole horror around me. “This is what they do and we must fight back!””President Snow says he’s sending a message. Well I have one for him. You can torture us and bomb and burn our districts to the ground, but do you see that?” One of the cameras follows where I point to the planes burning on the roof of a warehouse across from us. “Fire is catching!” I am shouting now, determined he will not miss a word of it, “And if we burn, you burn with us!”