“There is an insatiable craving for love that exists in the heart. There is also an infinite desire to give it away.”

“You belong to the universe just as the moon belongs to the night and dawn belongs to the sun.”

“I was sitting under a tree on the riverbank enjoying the flow of life.”

“Thinking is talking to yourself. Imagination is talking to the universe. Meditation is harmonizing your inner self with the universe.”

“Always try to get ready for something great and it will manifest.”

“Don’t measure your life with money or time. Measure your life with an exchange of love.”

“You are the focal point of the universe. If you don’t exist, the universe does not exist for you.”

“You will reach your destination if you have the courage to begin and the persistence to continue.”

“Tragedies are painful, but they always make you a better person when you transcend your awareness and consciousness. So fear not.”

“When you have optimism and love, you create ultimate healing emotions.”

“A person with a loving heart rarely fails; a person with a hateful heart rarely succeeds.”

“On this Valentine’s Day, I like to whisper in your ear the secret silent songs of my heart. I love you my dear!”