All Quotes By Tag: Faith
“You have a God. You have a mind. You have a will. And somewhere you have a passion. And if you have enough faith to believe in the first and exercise the rest, you can achieve the impossible.”
“There is no certainity like faith.”
“We are One.”
“Wherever you are, you can pray.”
“God has been FAITHFUL to me, that is why I have FAITH in Him.”
“before u break into, remember where u broke out from so u can breakthrough”
“Everyone has known what it’s like to see their dreams crumble. But these women…have found something more stable to hang onto. They’re not content and fulfilled because circumstances turned out the way they hoped, but because of their faith in a God who is above circumstance.”
“Foolish is the man, and there are many such men, who would rid himself or his fellows of discomfort by setting the world right, by waging war on the evils around him, while he neglects that integral part of the world where lies his business, his first business, namely, his own character and conduct.”
“I bow down on my knees. And prayed; God help me! This was the moment of grace.”
“Somewhere down the line we were all genius but never believed in ourself”
“The pre-conversion Joan had always considered faith to be a crutch, and maybe it was. But I had never once considered that my VP title, six-figure salary, and bigger than necessary house were also crutches– crutches that I had used to bear the weight of my insecurities and my unhealthy need for the approval of others. I began to realize that, despite my illusion of Independence, I had always leaned on something. Intellect and reason, drugs and alcohol, money and prestige: they had all been crutches for me. And I was being given a choice: to lean on these things that I could see and touch or to release them and lean on this undefined hope promised by this new faith.”
“Ugandan understanding of God is somewhat misguided. It is sad how we build the pastor’s house while we struggle to even meet our own rent.”
“It’s the story that was to big for me to tell, the one that grew to fill the depths of my being the far corners of my mind. It’s how I lost my system of meaning.But I haven’t lost everything.Somewhere, somehow, adrift in the sea and far from the stars, I’ve found faith.In myself. And that makes all the difference.”
“Sin is when you do something that is against your well-being”
“But we are never alone. We bring with us the spirits of our ancestors. We are haunted by their demons and protected by their deities.”