“Thine are these orbs of light and shade;Thou madest Life in man and brute;Thou madest Death; and lo, thy footIs on the skull which thou hast made.”

“Nay, in many cases open denials of prayer prove the most excellent answers, and God’s not hearing us is the most signal audience. Therefore at the foot of every prayer subscribe “thy will be done,” and thou shalt enjoy preventing mercies that thou never soughtest, and converting mercies to change all for the best, resting confident in this, that having asked according to his will he heareth thee.”

“There are no names that do not desire fame because we come from God.”

“What distances can be explored without God?”

“I must not, like the quietists, reduce all religion to a denial of any specific action, despising all other means, since what makes perfection is God’s order, and the means he ordains is best for the soul.”

“… the divine knowing – what the Father knows, and what the Word says in response to that knowing, and what the Spirit broods upon under the speaking of the Word – all that eternal intellectual activity isn’t just daydreaming. It’s the cause of everything that is. God doesn’t find out about creation; he knows it into being. His knowing has hair on it. It is an effective act. What he knows, is. What he thinks, by the very fact of his thinking, jumps from no-thing into thing. He never thought of anything that wasn’t.”

“As Moses threw whatever in his hand on the ground,so does hand should do what it can to earn miracles.”

“As science advances, there seems to be less and less for God to do. It’s a big universe, of course, so He, She, or It, could be profitably employed in many places. But what has clearly been happening is that evolving before our eyes has been a God of the Gaps; that is, whatever it is we cannot explain lately is attributed to God. And then after a while, we explain it, and so that’s no longer God’s realm.”

“(Wallace) Stevens turns to the idea of the weather precisely as the religious man turns to the idea of God.”

“The cure for our modern maladies is dirt under the fingernails and the feel of thick grass between the toes. The cure for our listlessness is to be out within the invigorating wind. The cure for our uselessness is to take back up our stewardship; for it is not that there has been no work to be done, we simply have not been attending to it.”

“Some men may be unready for the coming of the genie who grants three wishes.”

“…a deep and even paranoid suspicion continues to disparage higher criticism of the Bible, as if someone could publish a paper that would unravel God. (p. 151)”

“A solemn day. Barring a stay by Sup Ct, & with my final nod, Utah will use most extreme power & execute a killer. Mourn his victims. Justice.[…] I just gave the go ahead to Corrections Director to proceed with Gardner’s execution. May God grant him the mercy he denied his victims.[…] We will be streaming live my press conference as soon as I’m told Gardner is dead. Watch it at www.attorneygeneral.Utah.gov/live.html.”

“… It’s the rareGod who needs less stroking that a rockStar or poetician …”

“If there is no personal God,everything is permissablel, and if God exists,everthing is possible.”