“Hope isn’t poison, Lissa. Hope is the thing that keeps you going when everything is awful and dark and you don’t know which way to turn.”

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.”

“In the conclusion of his “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon, Johnathan Edwards says, “The axe is in an extraordinary manner laid at the root of the trees, that every tree that brings not forth good fruit, may be hewn down, and cast into the fire.” And I say “Amen.” I thank God that the theological tree that produced the bitter fruit of belief in an angry, violent, and retributive God has at last been hewn down and cast into the fire. In my life the poisonous tree of angry God theology is now gone. In its place grows the tree of Life, a tree whose leaves bring healing. It’s a tree that looks like it once may have been an ugly cross, but it is now beautiful and verdant, producing the fruit of eternal life. Planted by the Father himself, this tree is an everlasting reminder that I am a forgiven sinner in the hands of a loving God.”

“When it’s hard to to get through another hour and another minute, refuse to believe the lies of darkness, make a conscious decision to focus on light and practice gratitude for what you have.”

“We must meet the challenge rather than wish it were not before us”

“So find your own combination of things to learn and see and be passionate about. Learn from everyone but be your own guidance, and you will find a red-hot feeling in your chest each night, eager for the possibilities of a new day. No one knows your heart as well as you do.”

“I’m not a bad guy. If only I could stop hoping. If only I could say to my heart: Give up. Be alone forever. There’s always opera. There’s angel-food cake and neighborhood children caroling, and the look of autumn leaves on a wet roof. But no. My heart’s some kind of idiotic fishing bobber.”

“There is always a way. Always.”

“When the odds are impossible — do the impossible.”

“I don’t know whether it’s a curse or a blessingI see it as a blessing because I hold in too much All the feelings I hide The wars I fight Writing is the only way I let it all outIt is also my curse you see, because I can’t rid myself of it Sometimes I choose to write but I can’t deceive myself that it is always my choice It’s like an addiction, when I stop withdrawal symptoms kick inI shut down because every emotion hurts. Loving hurts, being loved is far worse These feelings become mini-demons that keep scraping and scratching and stinging screaming for release My thoughts are deafening, my soul tormented I’m in a hell hole so write I mustWhen I care, I care too deeply When I like, I like too much When I love, it is to the ends of space and time When I fall, I fall too fast, too hard, heaven has a difficult time pulling me back to my feet And right now I’m standing on the precipice, terrifiedWhat draws me to you Is it your smile… I can’t remember the sound of your laughter but that smile… If I could touch your face I would commit every twitch, every crevice, every wrinkle that forms when you smile to my memory so that I can say I touched happiness Or is it way you speak, I don’t know how you manage to fit care and arrogance in the same voice. It maddens me but I wouldn’t have it any other way Or is it the stolen moments when you say that I’m yours, only yours Or the feather light kisses lighting little fires dancing around and melting my heartWhat is it about you that I miss so Our endless banter, your fierce hugs, tender kisses… I was a fool to think I could last a year without them. Maybe I could, but it would be a woebegone year Your side-splitting stories, you don’t even realize how funny you are I miss you, I know you are here but I miss you exceedinglyI had a dream about you and I know why I’ve been scared that you are pulling back I wouldn’t blame you if you were, I fight you everyday That is why I have been awfully quiet, silently mourning the loss of something I never had Yesterday I had no errand to run. It was an excuse to walk with you, to be with you a tad bit longer even just in silence In this dream you said you said you loved me and for a fleeting moment I was so relieved and elated Then I woke up to this still hollow feeling telling me I’ve lost something, I’ve lost you I know you’re here but I feel like I’m losing you I cannot lose you I will not lose you”

“If any of this ended in an explosion, I hoped it would be one that made us burn brighter, stronger than ever before.”

“And when the dawn comes creeping in,Cautiously I shall raiseMyself to watch the daylight win.”

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”

“Nothing changes, love. Ever. Hope is a fickle vixen sent to torment us with discontent. And I am done with her, and her empty promises, and wishes unfulfilled.”

“But hope, like heroes, can prove hard to kill.”