“So instead of giving in to despair I chose active melancholy, in so far as I was capable of activity, in other words I chose the kind of melancholy that hopes, that strives and that seeks, in preference to the melancholy that despairs numbly and in distress.”

“Rachel: Do people like you ever have wishes, Jonathan?Jonathan: What does that mean? People like me?Rachel: People who have everything. Was there ever something you wanted but could only wish for, Jonathan? Something for the future. That you want, but don’t think you’ll get.Jonathan: Yes, I—Rachel: Don’t tell me. That’ll ruin it.Jonathan: What do you mean by “wish” then, Rachel?Rachel: Like, hope you get something you know is impossible, but hope anyway.Jonathan: I wish I could be with you like a normal person.Rachel: What’s normal to someone like you?….Rachel: “Do you wish for things you can’t buy?”Jonathan: “You’re fascinated with money,”Rachel: “I think I am. It’s made you different, you know. You’re fearless. It’s exciting, kind of. Watching you is like watching someone who’s really, truly free.”Jonathan: “What do you wish for? Besides money.”Rachel: “Free, Jonathan. I wish to be free.”

“Never give up hope! As long as there is breath in your body, there’s always opportunity for change!”

“His lone breaths- everywhere to be with himHope survives one more day, losing all fearWith the cold night’s touch through shivered scheme,His new day reminds of another yearFrom the poem Sonnet For A Man (Part II)”

“Your importance can’t be measured by the normal things that many others achieved in their lives diplomas, job money… but by the things they cannot , all the impossible dreams and hard getting goals which often called the crazy thoughts can create the true meaning of importance insanity always lead to miracles.”

“اگر تو فردا را به درستی ندانی ، سوگند به آسمان که هیچ چیز را نمی دانی ، اگر تو فردا را ننویسی ، هیچ چیز ننوشته یی ، اگر تو فردا را چون نسیم شیرینی که گهگاه می وزد نبویی ، هیچ چیز را نبوییده یی ، و اگر تو فردا را با ژرف ترین باورها باور نکنی ، هیچ چیز را باور نکرده یی … سوگند می خورم ، هزار بار سوگند می خورم که تو اگر گمان کنی که هر فردایی شکل هر امروزی ست ، زندگی را به اهرمن سپرده یی و گریخته یی”

“فردا فرداست نه امروز . فردا ، شکل امروز نیست . چرا اندیشه ی بلند پرواز خود را به کار نمی بری ؟ چرا به دوردست های نیامده نمی روی ؟ ( فردا ) را به شکل ( فردا ) نمی بینی و نمی نویسی ؟ ( فردا ) را ، ای یاد گیرنده جوان ، ( امروز ) نباید نوشت ، پس از این ، هیچ یاد گیرنده ای هم نخواهد نوشت”

“دگرگونی با باور دگرگونی آغاز می شود و فردا با پذیرفتن فردا”

“فردا ، تا زمانی که فرداست ، شکل امروز نیست ، و تو آن فردای هنوز نیامده را بنویس نه فردایی را که امروز شده و رنگ و بوی امروز گرفته”

“فردایی بنویس که شکل امروز نباشد”

“Let your tears fall on the seeds of sorrow for tomorrow love shall bloom.”

“So many things we ask for, hope for, prayers put out into the world so wide: there was no way they could all be answered. But you had to keep asking. If you didn’t, nothing even had a chance of coming true.”

“How wonderful it is those people that we meet by chance and invite us to live again.The memory of them will keep hope alive forever.”

“Sometimes a story is all you have,” she [Coralee] says. “Sometimes that can be enough.”