“Taking control of your life means avoiding unnecessary distraction”

“Turn your wasted time into value product or added value”

“Whatever or whoever controls your time controls your life”

“You can’t go far in life if you trivialize time”

“A nation that does not understand and trivialize time is not ready for growth and development”

“There is no one on earth that values his time and remains poor”

“A man that fights for his time knows the value that could be created in an hour of a day”

“The rich know the value of their time and spend money to save the greatest wealth ever”

“Be in control of your life”

“A man that fights for every minute and every second of his life is a man that fights to be in control”

“To be in control of your life means to be the manager of your life and destiny”

“One of the greatest virtue you could observe in a man is their attitude towards time”

“Your food is a product of time”

“God created time before he created light”

“The biblical statement “In the beginning” connotes time”