All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotations
“What you seek in the dark you will not find if it is hidden in light.”
“An ugly vessel can still carry beautiful things.”
“Burdens are blessings inside out.”
“The greatest gift you can give to anyone is the one you would like to keep for yourself.”
“A river sweats when it loses drops, but an ocean does not even cry when it loses buckets.”
“If you look for beauty outside of yourself, you will look forever. If you search for it inside, you will find it in an instant.”
“A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures.”
“A fish that is afraid of drowning in a river is ignorant of its gifts.”
“If you want to know a person’s true character, observe how he treats those who don’t matter.”
“Become braver, stronger, wiser, kinder, and you will become better.”
“An acorn is an oak tree turned inside out.”
“Thunder roars but does not strike. Lightning strikes but does not roar. Choose to be lightning.”
“The prettiest flowers earn their honor in the ugliest dirt.”
“If stars needed the sky’s permission to shine, the universe would be a very dark place.”
“Your worth is not what you have, but who you are.”