“الإنسان يجب أن يدق الباب .. فسوف يجد أحداً يفتح .. عن رغبة أو رهبة أو ضيق .. ولكن لابد أن ينفتح الباب .. ومن وراءه باب ثاني وثالث”

“Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.”

“We are the cosmos made conscious and life is the means by which the universe understands itself.”

“You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.”

“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.”

“Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”

“Spend the afternoon, you can’t take it with you.”

“Bring something incomprehensible into the world!”

“The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. ”

“But what is life if you don’t live it?”

“Life consists of two days, one for you one against you. So when it’s for you don’t be proud or reckless, and when it’s against you be patient, for both days are test for you.”

“Life did not stop, and one had to live.”

“Quietly endure, silently suffer and patiently wait.”

“That is the hardest thing of all. It is much harder to judge yourself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself, it’s because you’re truly a wise man.”

“Life is like a play: it’s not the length, but the excellence of the acting that matters.”