All Quotes By Tag: Job
“Getting a job cuts you off because you hardly have time to invest in yourself”
“If your job does not allow you extra time to develop yourself and add value to yourself, then you are cutting yourself off from the possibilities of the future that is waiting for you”
“Getting a job takes your time instead of making you take control of your time”
“Our jobs are robbing us of the time that should be invested”
“When we get a job, we mortgage for salary”
“A job should be a temporary thing”
“Getting a job is not the only way to survive”
“While you are running after job, somebody is creating value for himself”
“While you are busy looking for a job, and trying to survive, someone else is multiplying his gifts and creating value in products and services”
“A lot of people today are seeking for jobs because of the people ahead of them whom they respect and envy”
“If your job is in control of your time, it is the job that is the owner of your life”
“If your time is under the control of your phone, your boss, parents, family, friends or job, that is what owns your life”
“Don’t just set out to do a good job, set out to do such a good job than the living, the dead or the unborn”
“There is a huge difference between work and job”
“Never measure success by other peoples standards. “Accomplishing YOUR OWN goals gives YOU the right to dictate YOUR own Success.”