“My boundaries are not determined by natural limitation but by parameters of my faith that I chose to attach to the realities of my limitlessness.”

“Leadership is not about control. Leadership is about influence.”

“Your PAST nor your CURRENT situation DEFINES you – YOU are defined by the CHOICES you make NOW for your future.” ~ Patricia Dsouza #Leadership #Mindset #encouragement #Wisdom @motiquotees @successinspir”

“WE all have our own PATH to follow – STOP walking in someone else’s PATH if it isn’t designed for you.”

“Achieving something gives you a sense of fulfillment; so, create your own happiness by following up on your passions and achieving them.”

“Purse your transformation from a place of freedom and peace.”

“There is a reason why they call it a pea brain when we get angry.”

“If you want to make American great again, make America love again.”

“When you tell someone they made you angry, you give them complete control over how you think, how you feel and how you act, and that includes a two-year-old child.”

“The greatest leaders have the ability to have one eye on the prize and the other in the moment. When either one is lost they both will fail.”

“We have a leadership crisis in our world today. It is based on the reality that we have developed leaders who care more about what people think about them, or how they are seen than they care about those that follow them.”

“A strong and capable leader can stand on their own two feet. A wimpy puppet of a leader needs to have their father, their father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, sister, nursemaid, paid ‘yes’ people, etc. prop him up. That’s fine if he is a baby, but not fine when he is a grown man. If he is capable of leading a company without the help of nepotism, then his workers will respect him and naturally get motivated to support him as a leader. – Strong by Kailin Gow”

“If we could stop gossiping and learn not to be offended, we could change the world in about 48 hours.”

“There is always one more thing in someone’s hippocampus that you may know nothing about. There is always one more thing in your hippocampus that you may know nothing about.”