All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Sweet talk’s like salt. You can add some later, if need be, but if you pour out too much, you can’t sift it out again.”
“You know how you let yourself think that everything will be alright if you can only go to certain place or do a certain thing. But when you get there you find it’s not that simple.”
“Some people go through hard times, so bad that they can’t even talk about it, but no matter what, we should never give up.”
“You are what you settle for. You are only as much as you settle for”
“When you get to a certain age you find that other people’s opinions don’t really matter anymore, and you get kind of uncomfortable with your place in modern life.”
“There is nothing like a crisis to define who you are.”
“Some things better left unspoken”
“When we have faith and discipline everything becomes easier. Patience is the mother of all virtues. With anxiety all our lives become worse.”
“Things are always given to us when we need them… You just have to decide if you’re strong enough, brave enough, to seize it and make ityours. (Acheron)”
“You can’t learn everything you need to know legally.”
“We get so caught up in the life we are leading and forget that we are capable of living.Caring for Eleanor by Sonia Rumzi”
“من المستحيل أن تحمي أطفالك من الإحباط أو خيبة الأمل التي سيصادفونها في حياتهم”
“إننا نخالُ كلَّ شيء مهيّأ من تلقاء نفسه لخدمتنا ، وأنَّ على عناصر الوجود تلبية إشارتنا وإجابة رغبتنا ، لا لعلَّةٍ واضحةٍ سوى أننا نريد، وعلى الكون كله التنفيذ !!”
“In contravention of my belief that any life ending in death is essentially pointless, I needed my friends to open up that plastic bag and take one last look at me. Someone had to remember me, if only for a few more minutes in the vast silent waiting room of time.”
“You move forward. You face up to your challenges. You don’t retreat. You’re young, and sometimes you’ll wish you could. But don’t.”