All Quotes By Tag: Love
“It was the nicest thing she could imagine. It made her want to have his babies and give him both of her kidneys.”
“I thought perhaps that when you told me you did not love me that my own feelings would fall away and atrophy, but they have not. They have grown every day. I love you now more desperately, this moment, than I have ever loved you before, and in an hour I will love you more than that”
“When you like someone, you like them in spite of their faults. When you love someone, you love them with their faults.”
“I’m stuck babysitting turtle eggs while a volleyball player slash grease monkey slash aquarium volunteer tries to hit on me.” I’m not hitting on you,” he protested.No?”Believe me, you’d know if I was hitting on you. You wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from succumbing to my charms.”
“I thought you were gone forever, I thought you’d walked away from everything, because I failed, because I destroyed the only thing that ever mattered to me. I waited for you to come, but you didn’t.”
“You don’t love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.”
“You can’t hurt me the way you think you can. But even if you could? I would rather die with the taste of you on my tongue than live and never touch you again. I’m in love with you, Mara. I love you. No matter what you do.”
“How could I be sleeping with this particular man…. Surely only true love could justify my lack of taste.”
“twice I have lived forever in a smile”
“You can’t leave yet. I’m not finished falling in love with you.”
“It’s so much easier to convince yourself you’re madly in love with someone when you know nothing about him.”
“Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate. Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.”
“It ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we’re talking about when we talk about love.”
“I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.”
“I love you because no two snowflakes are alike, and it is possible, if you stand tippy-toe, to walk between the raindrops.”