All Quotes By Tag: Love
“Deep in her heart, she wasn’t sure she deserved to be happy, nor did she believe that she was worthy of someone who seemed…normal.”
“A kiss on the beach when there is a full moon is the closest thing to heaven.”
“What if love wasn’t the act of finding what you were missing but the give-and-take that made you both match?”
“I love you, in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul where my dreams are born. I love you.”
“You get use to someone—start to like them, even—and they leave. In the end, everyone leaves.”
“It hurts to breathe. It hurts to live. I hate her, yet I do not think I can exist without her.”
“What are you doing?”“Kneeling before a goddess.”“I’m not a goddess.”“You are. A goddess, a princess, a queen. As a soldier, I pledge myself to your service. As a prince, I grant you any boon within my power. As a man, I ask to sit at your feet and worship you. Ask me to do anything for you and I will do it.”
“Do you really think anyone in this world, compares to you in my eyes?”
“Heart, we will forget him,You and I, tonight!You must forget the warmth he gave,I will forget the light.”
“You’re asking me to define an abstract concept that no one has managed to explain since time began. You sort of sprang it on me,” Gansey said. “Why do we breathe air? Because we love air? Because we don’t want to suffocate. Why do we eat? Because we don’t want to starve. How do I know I love her? Because I can sleep after I talk to her. Why?”
“I’m backing down now. I really do love you. That’s why I’m doing this.”
“You honestly expect me to breathe in a world without air?”
“L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle.”
“What’s a fuck when what I want is love?”
“Some feelings sink so deep into the heart that only loneliness can help you find them again. Some truths are so painful that only shame can help you live with them. Some things are so sad that only your soul can do the crying for them.”