“Never again the music blown as brightlyOff of my heart as foam blown off a wave;Never again the melody that lightly Caressed my grief and healed the wounds it gave.Never again–I hear my dark thoughts clashingSullen and blind as waves that beat a wall–Age that is coming, summer that is going,All I have lost or never found at all.”

“You think there will be a time to say goodbye, but people have often gone before you know about it.”

“What I have learned lately is that people deal with death in all sorts of ways. Some of us fight against it, doing everything we can to make it not true. Some of us lose our selves to grief. Some of us lose ourselves to anger.”

“In the sky there are always answers and explanations for everything: every pain, every suffering, joy and confusion.”

“It’s Sanjit. It’s a Hindu name. It means ‘invincible.'””That’s great,” Lana said.”Invincible. I can’t be vinced.””That’s not even a word,” Lana said.”Go ahead: try to vince me,” Sanjit said.”

“You get use to someone—start to like them, even—and they leave. In the end, everyone leaves.”