“If I had learned anything in my life about love, it was that they were tenous things that could end at any moment. Caution was essential-but not at the cost of risking your life”

“My mother was a voice of reason, a reminder that they had to stay focused and fully assess the situation. Her composure calmed everybody; her strong manner inspired them. This, I realized, was how a leader behaved.”

“In the real world, you can make your own miracles”

“Love fades, mine has.~Dimitri Belikov~”

“And after a while…I mean, how do you choose? Who gets to live? Part of life is that…well, some people have to die. My powers aren’t a prescription you can get filled as needed.”

“I’m sure it is,” she replied. Her expression turned fierce, making her look far different from the scattered teacher I knew. “But listen to me when I say this. You are exceptional, taleneted, and brilliant young woman. Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you’re less. Do not ever let anyone make you feel invisible. Do not let anyone-not even a teacher who constantly sends you for coffee-push you around.” She put her glasses back on and began randomly lifting up pieces of papers. At last, she found a pen and grinned triumphantly.”Now, then. What is your brother’s name?”

“Those words, that voice, had more power over me than any phantom ever could.”

“I wished the kiss could have gone on forever. Breaking the embrace, he ran a few fingers through my hair and down my cheek. He stepped back toward the door.”I’ll see you later, Roza””At our next practice?” I asked. “We are starting those up again, right? I mean, you still have things to teach me.””Yes. Lots of things.”

“Aubrey, crouching on a nearby counter, watched me with squinty eyes, apparently pondering why anyone would willingly immerse themselves in water ever, let alone for extended periods of time. ”

“Sydney, don’t leave Adrian because of me.””It’s more complicated than that,” I said automatically.”It’s really not,” she said. “From everything I’ve seen and heard, you’re just afraid. You’ve always controlled every detail of your life. When you couldn’t-like with the Alchemists-you found a way to seize back that control.””There is nothing wrong with wanting control,” I snapped.”Except that we can’t always have it, and sometimes that is a good thing. A great thing, even,” she added. “And that’s how it is with Adrian. No matter how hard you try, you aren’t going to be able to control your feelings for him. You can’t help loving him, and so you’re running away. I’m just an excuse.”

“For every bad thing in life, there are more good things to tip the balance.”

“What were you thinking?” I demanded once we were moving to the music. I was trying to ignore his hands. “Do you know how much trouble you may have gotten me in?”Adrian grinned. “Nah. They all feel bad for you. You’ll achieve martyrdom after dancing with a mean, wicked vampire. Job security with the Alchemists.”

“Longing surged up within me. I wanted it. Oh God, I wanted it. I didn’t want to hear Jerome chastise me for my “all lowlifes, all the time” seduction policy. I wanted to come home and tell someone about my day. I wanted to go out dancing on the weekends. I wanted to take vacations together. I wanted someone to hold me when I was upset, when the ups and downs of the world pushed me too far. I wanted someone to love. ”

“You’re better than this. Better than whatever it is you’re going to do now.”

“Smiling, I cut across the quadrangle toward the commons. I felt better about life than I had in a very long time. We could do this, Lissa and me. We could do this together.”