All Quotes By Tag: Motivation
“There is a purpose for your presence here on Earth. There is a reason for you to be here. You are here to add something to the world that has never been here before. Your existence has never blessed this world before and it will never bless this world again. Find your reason to be here and live that reason. Create what you were meant to create. Dream what you were meant to dream. Live as you were meant to live. Your existence has a reason and your sole purpose in life is to find that reason.”
“Don’t think of your struggle as an inconvenience instead think of it as a way to grow.”
“Each person’s path is different. Some may be easier or harder, longer or shorter, but each path is different, incomparable to one another. Enjoy your journey, it is yours and only yours.”
“The future is only bright if you start lighting candles now.”
“You are as powerful as you believe you are.”
“Giving 100% doesn’t mean that every day you will accomplish more than the last, it means you give your best attempt each day. Some days you will struggle, some days will be hard but if you focus solely on doing what you can in each moment, the day will not be lost. Focus on doing what you can when you can.”
“Whether you act toward your dreams or not, there will be a sacrifice. Act towards your dreams or lose them.”
“Life is a journeywith big rocks to climb,little ones to trip over,and milestones to markwhere we have been.”
“Worry for the future doesn’t prevent bad from happening later, it prevents good from happening now.”
“If you’re not losing you’re not winning. Your losses create your ability to win.”
“You’ll never end up in a museum if you spend your whole life painting fences.”
“Start now. Make it happen.”
“Love is an infinite well from which you can serve.”
“You create the quality of your life.”
“Failure is a possibility anywhere so why not live your passion?”