All Quotes By Tag: Pass
“Time tends to pass you by more quickly when you take no notice of it, my dear. In that, it’s remarkably similar to most women I know.”
“To them, as to Magnus, time was like rain, glittering as it fell, changing the world, but something that could also be taken for granted.”
“To them, as to Magnus, time was like rain, glittering as it fell, changing the world, but something that could also be taken for granted.Until you loved a mortal. Then time became gold in a miser’s hands, every bright year counted out carefully, infinitely precious, and each one slipping through your fingers.”
“The way into the hall of success always passes through the chamber of decision. Decide to be a success; success is deliberate!”
“You have to be transparent so you no longer cast a shadow but instead let the light pass through you.”